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Statistics Reports Outlooks Research Service Global Consumer Survey Company DB eCommerce DB

Project AccountCorporate Account

Gain valuable insights and save time

Our analysts curate the latest and most relevant information on markets, consumers and industries in a condensed format (PDF, PPT, XLS).
  • 22,000+ studies and reports available
  • Detailed references for all key figures
  • All content is processed by our editorial team
  • Regular updates
  • All reports included
    (ø price per report: $700)

Project AccountCorporate Account

Look into the future with our Outlooks

Our Outlooks cover a broad range of industries: From consumer goods to technology to mobility, we provide you with insights into future developments for each field. They contain everything you need for a full market analysis, such as key figures from the most important markets worldwide, including forecasts and relevant indicators from different sectors.
  • 150+ markets
  • 70+ segments and subsegments
  • 50+ regions, territories and countries
  • Detailed forecasts and KPIs for the next 5 years

Ask Statista
Corporate Account Add-On

Customized research results within 48 hours

In case you ever have any questions regarding our content or need additional information, our team of experienced industry experts and analysts conduct customized research that fits your specific request. As an AskStatista client, you can send us your research inquiries via e-mail or through your Statista account.
  • A global research team of 200+ industry experts & analysts
  • Customized results within 48 hours
  • 2.5 hours per month included in the Corporate Account

Note: This is also bookable separately as a stand-alone add-on or as part of our custom solution

Global Consumer Survey

Understand what drives consumer behavior

Gain insights on consumers from industries and markets worldwide. Covering the offline and online world, the Statista Global Consumer Survey offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage.
  • 1,700,000+ interviews
  • 56 countries & territories
  • 14,500+ brands
  • 3.4bn consumers represented
  • 50+ industries and topics
  • Access to additional surveys on trending topics

Company DB

Get complete access to 15m+ company profiles

Find relevant information on 20m+ privately held and more than 50,000 stock-listed companies worldwide. See the most important company information at a glance and get a grasp on industries.
  • 15m+ privately held companies
  • 50,000+ publicly listed companies
  • 20+ financial KPIs
  • 200+ countries & territories
  • 80+ industries
  • In-depth insights from special company reports

eCommerce DB

eCommerce insights for your needs

Detailed information about 20,000 stores and market places in 50 countries, including detailed revenue and competitor analysis, market development and marketing budgets. Get in-depth insights on KPIs such as traffic, shipping providers, payment options, social media activity and much more.
  • 20,000+ stores and market places in 50 countries
  • Rankings by country and category
  • Market development and competitor analysis
  • 30+ KPIs per store
  • Covering 95% of the worldwide eCommerce revenues
  • More in-depth insights from our eCommerce reports

Statista by the numbers

Key figures at a glance

Statistics & Forecasts
Renowned sources
As of October 2021

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  • 2 Minimum term of 12 months (billed annually)
  • 3 More details about the service on