About us – the company behind the successful product
Within just a few years, Statista managed to establish itself as a leading provider of market and consumer data. Over 1,100 visionaries, experts and doers continuously reinvent Statista, thereby constantly developing successful new products and business models.
We believe that facts can inspire great changes and brilliant ideas for our world. We are the fact destination. Our video tells you why.
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Our services
Our platforms
Statista.com consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish.
Search our databasesResearch & Analysis
Statista Research & Analysis is a combined provider of market research as well as research and analysis services. We help corporate customers collect and prepare market, customer and competitive information.
Submit an individual research requestContent & Information Design
Statista Content & Design sees itself as a research and information design agency. We create customized infographics, videos, presentations and publications in the corporate design of our customers.
Request information design for your companyecommerceDB.com
ecommerceDB.com is the starting point for market analyses, benchmarking and lead generation in the eCommerce sector. The database provides insights into detailed revenue information of 20,000 online shops worldwide.
Visit ecommerceDB.comGlobal Consumer Survey
The Global Consumer Survey allows analyses of consumer behavior and media usage in the on- and offline world based on the data of 700,000 consumers from 55 countries, who were surveyed about 50 topics and 6,500 brands.
Learn more about the Global Consumer SurveyDigital & Consumer Market Outlook
Our Market Outlooks provide market sizes, forecasts and other indicators for the digital economy, key consumer markets and relevant automotive markets for up to 150 countries.
Explore the Digital and Consumer MarketsYour career with us
The combination of the pioneering spirit of a start-up with the stability of an established company makes Statista an exceptional employer, which walks unconventional and innovative paths. We prefer fast decision-making, flat hierarchies and a company culture based around learning by doing – all this makes us more successful than ever.
If you would like to be a part of Statista’s success history, love challenges and have a passion for data, then Statista is the right choice for you.
Statista is committed to sustainability
Statista has been climate neutral since June 2021. Climate change is one of the most urgent threats of our time. This is our way of contributing to the fight against climate change as a company. Together with ClimatePartner, we are offsetting our unavoidable emissions through reforestation and forest protection in Latin America. How can climate neutrality be achieved?
At Statista, environmental awareness is part of our corporate culture
Our Hamburg office has already been running on 100 percent green electricity and doing most of its accounting digitally since 2016. Beyond that, many of our employees ride their bicycles, use public transportation, or walk to get to work; they are also regularly involved in sustainable initiatives.
Together with ClimatePartner, Statista’s carbon footprint was calculated. Based on this calculation, we offset our unavoidable emissions by contributing to climate protection projects. We are happy to support the following projects in Nicaragua and Brazil.
More information about Statista’s climate neutrality and the climate protection projects supported by us is available under the ClimatePartner tracking ID 15477-2106-1001.
Reforestation in Nicaragua
Through the reforestation of the native bamboo species as well as the protection against deforestation, this project not only makes an important contribution to curbing global warming, but it also creates new opportunities for the locals.
Forest protection in Brazil
With this climate protection project, we support the long-term preservation of the Amazon rainforest. In addition to protecting the rainforest from commercial deforestation, this project also creates alternative sources of income for local families, e.g., through the trade of açaí berries.
Security and data protection
Statista’s account activation process meets the highest security requirements. All of our customers’ payment and contact details are transmitted using SSL encryption. Statista’s technical payment processing is carried out by Stripe Payments Europe Ltd. In addition to the maximum degree of security, we also offer our customers a payment process which is as convenient as possible. All services provided by Statista can be paid for via credit card and also via invoice.
Data protection and transparency are important to us. All stored individual data is anonymized and encrypted. More information about data protection can be found in our Imprint. Feel free to contact support@statista.com or eu.support@statista.com (Europe support) for suggestions and criticism.
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