When talking about video streaming services, most people associate free streaming platforms or live streaming channels such as Youtube. But mostly also so called VoD (video on demand), which is a programming system giving users the opportunity to watch video content whenever they want to, is based on streaming methods. The range of VoD services is vast, reaching from SVoD (subscription video on demand) over TVoD (transactional video on demand) to AVoD (advertising video on demand). Considering video on demand content, advertised services such as Youtube are still most popular as they are freely available for everyone. However, in return to free content, users are required to spend some time watching ads.
Even though free services are most popular, the number of subscription video on demand subscribers increased drastically within the last years with over half of Australians owning at least one SVoD account. Of course, a lot of this traffic can be attributed to Netflix, which was estimated to reach revenues over 315 million U.S. dollars in 2020. Nonetheless, also other platforms such as Amazon Video or Hulu are on the rise. Depending on whether subscription services or live streaming services are used, Australians like to watch either original programs made by the service provider online and back-catalogue films or TV series respectively.