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Statista and adjoe launch Mobile Games Index

Women spend most time on mobile gaming – Mobile gaming industry has grown 57% during the pandemic – Role-playing gamers are the biggest spenders Hamburg, December 6, 2021 – With screen times...


New member of Statista Executive Board: Arne Wolter takes over the position of Chief Sales and Marketing Officer...

Hamburg, September 8, 2021 – As of September 1, 2021, Arne Wolter takes on the role of Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Statista. In this role, he will lead the global account business. Arne...


Premier League fans have their say before the new season

Hamburg, August 11, 2021 – Statista teamed up with SPORTFIVE to create the European Football Benchmark, surveying more than 18,700 fans across the world, including nearly...

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