Music streaming in the U.S.
A Statista DossierPlus on music streaming
This DossierPlus outlines the music streaming market in the United States, including an overview of the music industry as a whole, a look at the audiences and appeal of both major and smaller services, and insights into consumers’ listening and purchasing habits.
The DossierPlus begins with an exploration of global music streaming before delving deeper into the state of the music scene in the United States and providing context for the drop in sales and consumption of physical formats. The report then investigates the performance of key music streaming services. From subscriber numbers to artist payments, this chapter pitches market leader Spotify against its closest competitors as well as smaller but significant members of the streaming business like Tidal and Deezer.
Moving on to consumption, the DossierPlus investigates the role of listeners when it comes to the ultimate impact of streaming on creators and looks at the growing interest in podcasts, whilst also considering the decline of physical music in context of the value streaming services provide. The report also critiques the music streaming subscription model and culminates with a hypothesis of how the market could look in the future if this were to be altered and re-conceptualized.
The DossierPlus begins with an exploration of global music streaming before delving deeper into the state of the music scene in the United States and providing context for the drop in sales and consumption of physical formats. The report then investigates the performance of key music streaming services. From subscriber numbers to artist payments, this chapter pitches market leader Spotify against its closest competitors as well as smaller but significant members of the streaming business like Tidal and Deezer.
Moving on to consumption, the DossierPlus investigates the role of listeners when it comes to the ultimate impact of streaming on creators and looks at the growing interest in podcasts, whilst also considering the decline of physical music in context of the value streaming services provide. The report also critiques the music streaming subscription model and culminates with a hypothesis of how the market could look in the future if this were to be altered and re-conceptualized.