Amazon, the largest online retailer, which generated a global net revenue of about 136 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, has been the most public in experimenting with drones for package delivery. It has already proposed the service "Amazon Prime Air", which would deliver packages via drone in just 30 minutes. According to a survey from 2015, 30 percent of U.S. consumers believe they will order their first drone-delivered package within the next five years. Drone-delivered packages may be an even bigger push toward a future where the majority of purchases are made online across multiple product categories. Current drone technology can handle packages of up to five pounds.
In today's drone technologies, consumer drones are the most accessible and cheapest to fly; however, they lack the long range capabilities of their enterprise and military counterparts. Drones will eventually be successful in delivering the last mile for both brick-and-mortar companies and large internet retailers.