The Russian fashion market is full of medium to high-end brands, accounting for a significant proportion of the marketplace. Even though the mid-price sector has experienced a decline, 10 percent of the market is still controlled by high-end fashion companies. Brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton have an almost equal hold on the market, with both high-end brands being major players in Russia.
Russia's fashion market has expanded with influences from all over the world. The footwear market now shows companies like Adidas holding a strong edge over many Russian retail brands. However, the main shoe retailer is still Russian-owned Centrobuv, with a market share of 5.5 percent and a total turnover of 41.1 billion roubles in 2014, the largest turnover of any Russian shoe retailer.
The online marketplace also has prominence in Russia, with shops such as showing a strong presence among online retailers.
The import trade value of clothing accessories in Russia has seen a large decline since 2011, with 2015 showing a value of 21.3 million U.S. dollars, a major decrease on 2012's value of 50.95 million U.S. dollars. On the contrary, exports have seen a rise, with Russian production volumes growing steadily. Over the five year period from 2011 to 2015, exports of clothing accessories have increased by 6 million U.S. dollars.