Coronavirus: impact on the pro sports industry worldwide

The Statista dossier
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Statista dossier on the effect of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on professional sports

Table of contents

    • COVID-19: effect on revenue from sports industry worldwide 2020

    • COVID-19: sports industry revenue loss 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticket revenue loss in sports leagues in the U.S. 2020

    • COVID-19: effect on number of sporting events worldwide 2020, by month

    • COVID-19: youth sports industry event revenue loss in the U.S. 2020

    • COVID-19: pledges by professional athletes as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: measures to increase likelihood of attending sporting events 2020

    • COVID-19: milestones to increase likelihood of attending sporting events 2020

    • Use of new technology in pro sport according to eSports executives worldwide in 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticketing revenue loss for basketball 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for the National Basketball Association 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticketing revenue loss for the NBA 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticketing revenue loss for NBA teams 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for March Madness 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss per college for March Madness 2020

    • COVID-19: potential media rights revenue loss per school for March Madness 2020

    • COVID-19: public awareness about the cancelation of March Madness as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: MLB potential stadium revenue loss by team 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticket revenue loss in MLB in the U.S. in 2020

    • COVID-19: MLB potential ticket market loss by team 2020

    • COVID-19: public awareness about the MLB being postponed as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: opinion on the ability to finish MLB season in the U.S. 2020

    • COVID-19: NFL potential revenue loss 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticket revenue loss in NFL in the U.S. in 2020, by team

    • COVID-19: public opinion in the U.S. on responsibility for the NFL season 2020

    • COVID-19: public opinion in the U.S. on delaying the NFL season 2020

    • COVID-19: public opinion on playing the NFL season 2020

    • COVID-19: public opinion in the U.S. on starting the NFL season 2020

    • COVID-19: number of people affected by Olympics 2020 postponement

    • COVID-19: potential cost for the Olympics 2020, by sector

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for the Olympics 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ad and sponsorship revenue loss for the Olympics 2020

    • Effect of Tokyo 2020 Olympics' cancellation on companies Japan 2020

    • COVID-19: insured cost of the Olympics 2020

    • COVID-19: reinsurance premium of the Olympics 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for US soccer 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticket loss in MLS in the U.S. in 2020, by team

    • UEFA revenue loss for cancelling Euro 2020 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)

    • Potential revenue loss of European football leagues due to the coronavirus

    • Number of matches in European football leagues affected by the coronavirus 2020

    • COVID-19: potential transfer revenue loss for European soccer teams 2020

    • COVID-19: potential transfer value loss for European soccer teams 2020

    • Coronavirus impact on market value of Serie A soccer clubs in Italy 2022

    • TV rights value of Serie A games at risk due to coronavirus 2019-2020

    • Potential revenue loss of Serie A due to the coronavirus 2019-2020, by source

    • Time spent watching football on TV before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK

    • COVID-19: impact on the Formula One Group's stock 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for F1 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for the Chinese Grand Prix 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for the Vietnam Grand Prix 2020

    • eNASCAR iRacing Pro Invitational Series Race 1 average viewers 2020-2021

    • COVID-19: iRacing user growth 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for NHL teams per game 2020

    • COVID-19: potential ticket revenue loss in NHL in the U.S. in 2020

    • COVID-19: public awareness about the NHL being suspended as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss from NCAA events 2020

    • COVID-19: likelihood of watching PGA Tour golf as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: potential revenue loss for WWE 2020

    • COVID-19: public opinion on reaction of professional sports leagues 2020

    • COVID-19: public support for canceling professional sports as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: public support for canceling March Madness as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: impact of canceling live sports as of March 2020

    • Positive impact of live sport on mental health during COVID-19 in the U.S. 2021

    • COVID-19: preferred sports programming alternative as of March 2020

    • COVID-19: U.S. public opinion on sports teams laying off full-time employees 2020

    • Safety protocol importance before children start playing organized sports in 2020

    • COVID-19: public opinion on when live sports will restart as of April 2020

    • COVID-19: timeframe for attending live sport as of April 2020

    • Opinion on attending sporting events after COVID vaccine in the U.S. 2021

    • Opinion on prioritizing athletes for COVID vaccine in the U.S. 2021

    • Opinion on priority coronavirus vaccines for Olympic athletes in the U.S. 2021

    • Opinion on needing coronavirus vaccines to compete at the Olympics in the U.S. 2021

    • EURO 2020: British opinion on visitors' mandatory proof of COVID-19 vaccination

    • COVID-19 vaccine importance for U.S. children to play in organized sports in 2020

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