Postal service market
A Statista DossierPlus on global postal services with country spotlights on the leading providers in Germany, Switzerland, and the U.S.
The global postal industry is at a turning point – letter mail traffic is declining every year, parcel volumes are booming, while automation has the potential to cut costs and jobs. The digital transformation puts pressure on an industry that was stable and conventional for decades. New postal strategies can no longer be addressed in the simplistic way of traditional postal services but rather they must take into account new postal products and the major players in the postal service market.
This DossierPlus provides an overview of the global postal industry and will address the major drivers in the digitalization of postal services in the first chapter. The choice of the German, Swiss, and U.S. postal markets was determined through both the historical and modern impact of postal services organizations in these countries, as well as being ranked as the world’s best postal service providers and their financial performance will be further analyzed in the next chapters.
This DossierPlus provides an overview of the global postal industry and will address the major drivers in the digitalization of postal services in the first chapter. The choice of the German, Swiss, and U.S. postal markets was determined through both the historical and modern impact of postal services organizations in these countries, as well as being ranked as the world’s best postal service providers and their financial performance will be further analyzed in the next chapters.