Natural and organic cosmetics market worldwide
Statista DossierPlus on global natural and organic cosmetics
This Statista DossierPlus takes an in-depth look at the global natural and organic beauty market and the rise of "clean beauty".
Natural cosmetics are products that contain at least 95 percent of raw natural materials and cannot contain any animal-derived ingredients. Organic cosmetics also refer to beauty products made with organic and natural ingredients, which have been certified by the authorized certification programs.
As consumers become cautious of potential toxicity in cosmetics, market segments offering products manufactured using natural and organic ingredients and essential oils are likely to report strong growth. Additionally, consumers are becoming more aware of the impacts of their beauty decisions on the environment and are trying to purchase more sustainable products. This reveals an inevitable shift of the beauty market not only to natural and organic but also to "clean" and "green" beauty.
Natural cosmetics are products that contain at least 95 percent of raw natural materials and cannot contain any animal-derived ingredients. Organic cosmetics also refer to beauty products made with organic and natural ingredients, which have been certified by the authorized certification programs.
As consumers become cautious of potential toxicity in cosmetics, market segments offering products manufactured using natural and organic ingredients and essential oils are likely to report strong growth. Additionally, consumers are becoming more aware of the impacts of their beauty decisions on the environment and are trying to purchase more sustainable products. This reveals an inevitable shift of the beauty market not only to natural and organic but also to "clean" and "green" beauty.