Characteristics of the tobacco industry in Poland
Poland is the largest exporter of tobacco products in the world. It is also one of the largest manufacturers of tobacco products, such as cigarettes and smoking tobacco, in the EU. Companies such as Philip Morris, Imperial Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, and British American Tobacco have their business premises in Poland.The tobacco sector is an important segment of the Polish economy. Since 2005, the industry's gross value added has increased fourfold, indicating its growing importance in creating Polish income. Value added is the most commonly used measure of a sector's contribution to a country's GDP.
Cigarette production has increased by 54 percent over the last decade. In 2020, the value of the tobacco industry production amounted to over 11.27 billion zloty. Growing exports strongly influenced the increase in production and its value. In 2021, exports amounted to 4.1 billion euros, with a positive trade balance of nearly 3.1 billion euros. The largest recipient of tobacco products from Poland was Germany in 2020.