In 2018, Swedes, Danes and Finns were asked how well they were informed about the risks that cybercrime imposed. Most respondents reported to be fairly well-informed. 30 percent of Danes were very well-informed, whereas the corresponding figures for Swedes and Finns were 30 percent and 16 percent respectively.
Among the leading cybercrime types in the Nordic countries were personal data misuse, child pornography, crime within social services, as well as online racism and bullying. According to Norwegian and Danish enterprise leaders, the main future cyber security threat in businesses would be unintentional actions by employees.
What security measures do Nordic internet users take? The most common change of the way people used the internet in Denmark, Sweden and Finland in 2018, was to avoid opening emails from unknown senders or addresses. Furthermore, 63 percent of Danes said they had installed or changed their anti-virus software. Similarly, 56 percent of Finns had done so. Regarding Swedes, it became less likely for them to give personal information online, according to 58 percent of the respondents.