Value of the global video game market 2016-2025, by category

Revenue of the video gaming market worldwide from 2016 to 2026, by category

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Release date

July 2021



Survey time period

2016 to 2020

Supplementary notes

* Forecast

Traditional gaming comprises revenues associated with playing games on PCs and games consoles (both TV-connected and portable). This includes physical (disc-based) game sales at retail (both bricks-and-mortar and online retailers), digital game sales (including Steam, Good Old Games and Origin for PCs, and the PlayStation Store, Xbox Games Store and Nintendo eShop for consoles), and additional downloadable content (DLC) and subscription services. Online/microtransaction revenue also includes spending associated with free-to-play Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs), but does not include spending on social and casual browser-based games, which are included in the social/casual gaming component.

Social/casual gaming revenues includes consumer spending on and in app based games on tablets and smartphones, and browser games aimed at a casual audience (e.g. Ruzzle and Zynga’s Words with Friends). This includes revenues associated with the purchase of social and casual game apps, subscription services for social and casual games, and the purchase of virtual items within social and casual games. This also includes revenues associated with “hardcore” mobile games (e.g. Infinity Blade 2).

Video games advertising revenue includes only static advertising in video games. It does not include dynamic advertising inserted into or displayed alongside the game in an app or browser during play.

eSports comprises consumer and advertiser spending on esports, defined as organised video games competitions, both online and offline, from one-off events to organised leagues.

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