Gaming audiences & behavior
In 2020, the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic drove user acquisition trends upwards while gamers’ engagement rates skyrocketed. As the trend normalizes, the number of video gamers in Italy is estimated to have decreased to 15.5 million in 2021, representing approximately 35 percent of the country’s population. Young gamers make up a large share of Italy’s gaming population, with players aged 15-24 reaching almost four million in 2021. This trend is also reflected on the other end of Italy’s gaming ecosystem, which is shaped mainly by young developers and creatives in their 30s.Additionally, gaming appeared to be equally relevant also among users aged between 45 and 64 years, thanks to the popularity and high accessibility of casual games and mobile games such as the Candy Crush Saga. Among Italian gamers, over six in 10 men reported playing more than 21 hours per week and owning at least one console or gaming PC. However, among gamers aged 55 and above, women who reported being “hardcore gamers” were 15 percent, while only 11 percent of male respondents in the same age group reported the same intense gaming behavior.